Monday, May 14, 2012

The LCWR: It's About Time

If you did not know, the Leadership Conference for Religious Women (LCWR) has been dressed down by the Vatican. The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) found grave and serious doctrine problems in the LCWR. For those Catholics who know their faith, this is no surprise.

The Root of the Problem
The doctrinal problems are at the root of the LCWR's problems. They are like any of the many theologians who have seperated themselves from the Church by their dissent. The Catholic Faith has one united teaching, not many.  Her dogma does not change, however the LCWR seems to think it does.

As the Congregration for the Doctrine of the Faith says:

The Cardinal noted a prevalence of certain radical feminist themes incompatible with the Catholic faith in some of the programs and presentations sponsored by the LCWR, including theological interpretations that risk distorting faith in Jesus and his loving Father who sent his Son for the salvation of the world.
The LCWR also dissents against the Vatican, a remarkable hubris. We are all dependent on the guidance of the Magisterium, men and women alike. This is not a gender thing, it is an authority issue. The Protestants headed down this road, and look where it got them; dissent, heresy, schism and dissolution:
The Cardinal spoke of this issue in reference to letters the CDF received from “Leadership Teams” of various Congregations, among them LCWR Officers, protesting the Holy See’s actions regarding the question of women’s ordination and of a correct pastoral approach to ministry to homosexual persons, e.g. letters about New Ways Ministry’s conferences.
Even Jesus does not find reverence in this organization. They think they can move beyond the infinite God and Man:

The Cardinal offered as an example specific passages of Sr. Laurie Brink’s address about some Religious “moving beyond the Church” or even beyond Jesus.
We are all subject to error. We all need the voice of Christ through his apostolic teachers (Luke 10:16). Thank God for the guidance of the Church and its compassion that is drawing his flock back to himself.

Devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus

One of my favorite devotions is to the Holy Face of Christ. This devotion was started long ago with several holy persons and Saints devoted to it. Saint Therese of Lisieux (of the Holy Face), Sister Marie of St Peter Sister Maria Pierina De Micheli, St. Gertrude, St. Mechtilde, and St. Veronica are all major proponents of this devotion. 

There is an Association dedicated to the devotion. Adoration of the Holy Face takes several forms.

The Sacred Image of the Shroud of Turin
This Remarkable image has so much depth to it. How someone could have manufactured this image with 14th Century technology is constantly questioned. Many persons believe that it is truly Jesus image, created at his Resurrection. Many Holy face images from the shroud of Turin are all over the Internet. How can a person look at this image and not imagine what Jesus, the Faultless One, went through to save mankind?

Eucharistic Adoration
By adoring the Holy Face in the Eucharist, many promises have been given by Our Lord, including: "I will grant them contrition so perfect that their very sins will be turned into jewels of precious gold." I can speak from experience to say that it is a beautiful experience to have perfect contrition. There are several live Eucharistic Adoration websites as well.

The several promises for devotion to the Holy Face are found all over the Internet, including those approved by Pope Pius XII. This is a venerable traditional devotion that seems lost to many in the Catholic Church in these days.

Remember Our Lord through this devotion. Remember his suffering that was endured to save you from your sins. Remember, His gaze is always upon you calling you back to Him. Become more his image in devotion to the Holy Face.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The North Carolina Marriage Amendment

What a great day this is. With all the States passing homosexual marriage laws or civil unions, we have a State that stands for what is right!

For those of you who do not know, North Carolina passed a Marriage Amendment to the State Constitution. The reason they did it is because the Courts can override a law, or declare it unconstitutional. However, when the Constitution has a definition of marriage, there is nothing the Courts can do.

The proponents of the Amendment said it would last twenty years.  However, that is twenty years to turn around peoples attitudes and make some good Catholic Converts. It is time for the Holy Spirit to saturate souls and make saints to convert hardened souls.

The Problem
Urban areas are often more heterodox in their beliefs. They are exposed to many alternatives lifestyles and come to normalize such lifestyles as merely alternative and not immoral. This is the "go along, to get along" attitude. It is totally contrary to moral law and the examples of Jesus Christ and John the Baptist.  We have to speak up "whether convenient or inconvenient" (2 Tim 4:6).

Certainly, there are appropriate times to speak about the revered truths of God. It is not always the time to preach with fire. However, a gentle and continual reinforcement is always appropriate. Sometimes confrontational and mostly teaching, reminding and reinforcing.

Marriage is a sacred Covenant between a man and a woman. Marriage has a fruit, which is children. homosexual marriage, starkly speaking, has no fruit. This points to the design of marriage by God, to bring about a good for Society --- which is children and the love of the couple.