One has to wonder about the American Bishops. They were misinformed or hoodwinked by one nun, Sister Carol Keehan , who according to reports, assured them that Obama would not force contraception or abortion on them. Now, through services and medication, he as done both.
Doctors and Nurses
This is no surprise. Obama overturned previous conscience exemptions, which effected all healthcare providers, including doctors and nurses. Nurses were put in a position where they are supposed to assist in abortions, which they are now suing to prevent from happening in the future. One nurse was coerced to assist in an abortion and is suing because of that.
Pharmacists were forced to make a choice about their jobs. During the Bush Administration, they were given a conscience exemption, which they did not have to proscribe contraceptives. Now, they may loose their jobs.
The Future
There is an old saw in Psychology, "the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior." Based on Obama's past performance, this gives us little hope he will change his stance in the future.
I have my own version, watch what a Candidate does, do not believe to what he says. Romney says he is pro-life, but his past support of contraceptives and abortion in Massachusetts, show a different story. He talks a good game, however, many in business do not mind lying it is gets them what they want, power. We have two candidates who has consistently stood for life. Neither of them is Romney.
Mormons have the dogma doctrinal evolution, which means their doctrine can change. Such is the case with polygamy. I guess they think God is not all-knowing and therefore cannot get it correct this first time, every time.
Romney, who is a Mormon bishop, believes his so-called Church's doctrine. I wonder if his policies will evolve as well. Wait, he used the term evolve regarding his abortion stance. Hmm.
I wonder, if we have a Romney presidency, will he try to force polygamy on others? Will he relativize our moral framework, which is already quickly eroding?
The Bishops
Are they Democrats? Is they why they were so willing to believe Sister Carol Keehan. Are they members of the Old Democract's club? Why are they so willing to believe Sister Keehan, and unwilling to look at Obama's past behavior as a predictor? Or are they just poor judges of people?
"Be as clever as serpents, yet as innocent as doves" (Matt 10:16).
Where is the cleverness? Perhaps it is time for the laity to step and do our mission, as well. We need to inform the bishops of the real deception that is going on in Society and the bounds that the power-hungry and Church-hating will go to in order to win an election. The bishops seem clueless. Maybe it is time for them to be informed by those who are given a mission of ordering the World to the Gospel:
"It is not permissible for anyone to remain idle...But in particular the lay faithful are called to restore to creation all its original value. In ordering creation to the authentic well-being of humanity in an activity governed by the life of grace, they share in the exercise of the power with which the Risen Christ draws all things to himself and subjects them along with himself to the Father, so that God might be everything to everyone" (Christfidelis Laici, 3, 14).
We need to tell the bishops how the World functions, how those who hunger for power have no limits to their deception and how we need to be clever as serpents, with a proven liar and religious persecutor named Barrack Obama. Maybe next time, with our input and import, they will be ahead of the game.
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