Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Case of Schismatic Apologists

In case you did not know, several apologists seem to have stepped on the line of schism over the years. Some seemed to have stepped over. Gerry Matatics (see below) comes to mind, a fervent Catholic apologist who defended the faith, yet fell into schismatic traditionalism.

Schismatic Apologists Online
There are several schismatics (calling themselves Catholics) who perform apologetics online. This blog is not intended to be a laundry list of them, but to generally examine a couple of their positions.

Dimond Brothers
Michael and Peter Dimond have taken to debating with the Vatican, taking to attacking Vatican II, Current and past Post-Vatican II popes and other unpopular positions (to Sedes) such as the Novus Ordo (Post-Vatican II Mass).

Robert Sungenis
Currently Robert disagrees with the beatification of Pope John Paul II. He points to errors of judgement in his pontificate, saying they had to separate his pontificate from his cause for the first time in history.

Gerry Matatics
Gerry Matatics states that he believes in no salvation outside the Church. A strict position of "No Salvation Outside the Church" has been condemned by the Holy Office in condeming Fr. Feeney, who said Catholics cannot be saved:

“These things are clearly taught [in the Encyclical on the Mystical Body], in it the Supreme Pontiff clearly distinguishes between those who actually are incorporated into the Church as members, and those who adhere to the Church only by way of votum (will)...” (The Holy Office).
Sede Vacantism
I have address the Issue of Sede Vacantism in another blog. I will not get into it here.

I know Better
Sola Scriptura (using Scripture alone to interpret) and Sola Traditio (interpreting Tradition by personal judgement) cause these errors. In reading pontifical and papal-approved conciliar documents, we are not privately interpret them. We are rather to refer to other papal documents in interpreting such documents. This is because we individually have not been given infallibility, but it has been given to the pope, the bishops in union with the pope, or the Catholic Faithful as a whole.

No one knows better. Even the pope in his personal judgement does not know better. Rather, in view of his office as the successor of Peter, do we have a reliable interpretation.

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