Friday, January 27, 2012

The Authority of Papal Congregations

This is a heady posting. It delves into the Ordinary Magisterium, which is the day to day teaching of the Church. The Ordinary Magisterium has possibly fallible teachings which are also possibly infallible. In short, we do not know their nature unless we do an exhaustive theological survey, the college of bishops and the pope, or the pope alone states so, possibly by his "manner of speaking" (Lumen Gentium, 25, 1).

There are two general levels of teaching:

  1. Infallible Magisterium: These are infallible teachings and contain two general levels, the Universal Ordinary Magisterium (the pope and bishops throughout the world teaching together) and the Extraordinary Magisterium (Church Councils, Papal Definitions).
  2. Ordinary Magisterium: These are day to day teachings, which have the possibility of being infallible, however, could be fallible (contain error).

This article is not intended to be exhaustive, but to speak in general terms. I will try to boil these concepts to some main points.

Main Points
A great article on the authority of Ordinary Magisterial Teachings (possibly fallible) including Papal Congregations is found here. In it you will find a quote of what Blessed Pope Pius the IX, a great pope according to many accounts and his encyclicals, said about Papal congregations in an apostolic letter, which I have extended below:

"it is not sufficient for learned Catholics to accept and revere the aforesaid dogmas of the is also necessary to subject themselves to the decisions pertaining to doctrine which are issued by the Pontifical congregations..." (Pius IX, Tuas Libenter, Enchiridion Symbolorum).
It is assumed by some that Pontifical Congregations are to be ignored. However, Pius IX has explicitly taught otherwise, as quoted above. Pius the IX also goes on to speak of theological truths being binding (called sense of the faithful), but I will not address that here.

This seems to suggest that the teachings of Congregations belong to the Ordinary Magisterium, which is still binding on Catholics in various degrees. This is probably because they have the consent of the pope to engage in their activities, it is from him that they derive their authority.

The article above, states that such teachings are not infallible, however, that is an incorrect statement.  Just because a teaching is not infallibly defined or proposed does not mean it is not infallible, just that it has not been infallibly proposed, spoken or defined. We should reserve judgement on whether it is infallible or not, because the pope could later state it is so, or a theological survey and statement by the pope could reveal it is.

The Bottom Line
We are to treat Congregational Documents (especially from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith) as being part of the Ordinary Magisterium, which requires at least religious assent.  You cannot marginalize this teaching because it does not agree with your training or opinion.

Please leave comments, requests for articles, or questions below!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Journalistic Responsibility

For those of you who do not know, John King confronted Newt Gingrich during the January 19th debate in South Carolina about what his former wife said about an "open marriage." John is a divorced man, according to reports, with a hostile relationship with his ex-wife. Perhaps we should trot out his ex-wife and see what she has to say?

I do not point this out the eviscerate John King, but to point out Journalistic responsibility according to John Paul II:
"In the communications media the Church finds a precious aid for spreading the Gospel and religious values, for promoting dialogue, ecumenical and inter-religious cooperation, and also for defending those solid principles which are indispensable for building a society which respects the dignity of the human person and is attentive to the common good" (John Paul II, The Rapid Development of Those Responsible for Social Communications).
I am a Certified Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR) and have done job interviews regularly. One thing we do not ask is someone's marital status. In fact, this is illegal discrimination according to law. I do not care about what a candidates ex-wives say. Many divorcees are bitter about the divorce. We accept that.

Apart from an employment contract, all a human resources professional is supposed to care about is: "Are you qualified for the position to which you are applying?" Nothing else. Not your religion, race, marital status, hateful comments by your ex-wife or anything else. The Presidential Race is a big job interview.

Maybe our criteria, being a people of repentance, should be the Sacrament of Reconciliation and attempts to live a holy life. Too often, our Jerry Springer culture takes over and we forget the image of God in our fellow human beings.  Let us pray for everyone, and give them the respect they are due, even to Barrack Obama, or a repentant candidate who is doing the best he can:
Thus sin makes men accomplices of one another and causes concupiscence, violence, and injustice to reign among them. Sins give rise to social situations and institutions that are contrary to the divine goodness. "Structures of sin" are the expression and effect of personal sins. They lead their victims to do evil in their turn. In an analogous sense, they constitute a "social sin" (Catechism of the Catholic Church, #1869).
However, there is hope:
The redemption won by Christ consists in this, that he came "to give his life as a ransom for many" (Mt 20:28), that is, he "loved his own to the end" (Jn 13:1), so that they might be "ransomed from the futile ways inherited from their fathers" (1 Pt 1:18). (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 622)
Let us choose the best candidate for the job, not give credence to salacious comments by a possibly embittered ex-wife. May Christ Reign!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Persecution By Homosexuals

If you did not know Cardinal Francis George apologized for saying that homosexuals might act like KKK members if the Catholic Church had too public an image during a Gay Parade.

This is an example of abandoning your flock. Catholics need to be told the truth about the homosexual agenda, so they can fight back against it. Homosexuals have attacked a church in San Francisco, banging on the doors. This was popularized by many Christian commentators including Dr. James Dobson of Focus on the Family.

Abandoning the Flock
This seems to be a case of an archbishop abandoning the flock. Catholics need to hear the unvarnished truth about what homosexuals are doing in Society. They are a very aggressive force that does not mind violating Church property rights and throwing glitter all over people. Keep in mind, Gingrich has no idea what is in that glitter. Letters have contained Anthrax and Gingrich has no idea what is being thrown over him.

Gay Adoptions
Obama has been so aggressive with his gay adoption policy, that he has forced Catholic Adoption agencies to shut their doors due their funds being cut off. The homosexual marriages in New York State and New Hampshire have caused backlashes which has created movements to overturn those laws.

Stand Firm
Catholic's need firm leaders. Who in every thought, word and deed, stand for the truth, like Cardinal Timothy Dolan, a leader who unabashedly stands for the truth, if with a bit of grace.

Please leaders, do not abandon the truth and in doing so abandon your flock. Stand firm and resolute. If the Homosexual Movement has acted like terrorists, let it be so. If they have attacked Catholics, say it is so. Do not let the flock suffer for the wolves.